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Ways to Get Involved

January 21st at 6 pm: Parent Happy Hour at Tomatina

Sign Up today *3 spots available

February 5th at 6:30 pm: Prospective Parent Info Night

Know someone interested in QFHS? Refer them to our Info Night! You could earn a $500 referral bonus if they enroll!


Save the Date

February 28th – Senior Capstone Presentations

March 12th – College Fair

March 14th – Theater Play at 6pm

March 27th – Open House

April 10th – Incoming Students Preview Day

Intersession – Week One

Week 1: On-Campus Career Exploration at QFHS (01/06/25 – 01/10/15).

Students will explore careers in areas like bike mechanics, WordPress design, fashion design & sewing, and hand-built ceramics.

Intersession – Week Two

Please ensure your students bring their lunches today. Also, please make sure to review the daily schedule as drop-off and pick-up times have been adjusted.


Save the Date

Capstone Presentations – Friday, February 28th, 2025, 8:45am- 4:00pm

Seniors will showcase their career experiences during this full-day event. A reception will take place after the school day concludes. Stay tuned for more details!

Festival of Lights celebration!

Shoutout to Ms. Armenta & Student Leadership for putting together a holly jolly afternoon of candy-eating, cookie-decorating, movie-watching, game-playing fun.

Term 2 theater performance – Scenes from Shakespeare! :performing_arts:

Featuring scenes from Macbeth, Hamlet, and Romeo & Juliet, plus Shakespearean monologues chosen by the actors.

Save the date to see the next play:  March 14th





Mr. Moores Utopia + Dystopia Media 1 Class!

For the students final projects they all had to create a Diorama!






WW1 Metaphor Poster

Mr. Hoffman’s World History class wrapped up Term 2 with creating a project that uses the historical context of World War I as a metaphor to explore conflict, loss, resilience, or societal shifts. By drawing on the imagery, emotional landscape, and political turmoil of WWI, the project invites reflection on how war and its aftermath resonate in contemporary contexts.

Attention Senior Parents:

The 2025-26 FAFSA is now OPEN!! I would encourage families to gather financial documents and information and apply for financial aid. Taking these steps early will help ensure that you do not miss out on vital financial support for college.

You will need the following items:

  1. Your Social Security card and driver’s license, and/or alien registration card
  2. Your 2023 federal income tax returns
  3. Records and documentation of other nontaxable income received. such as welfare
  4. Any additional applicable financial information.
  5. Records of any additional nontaxable income.


ACT Preperation

Attention 9th-11th graders: The Spring ACT Test will be administered on April 8th at Quest. The best preperation is to focus on practicing strategies specific to this exam. This will help you gain familiarity with the test, improve your timing, and discover the methods that work best for you. To help out, we have rounded up some of the top ACT test prep services available:

Best Online ACT Prep Classes & Resources (free and paid)

  1. The ACT – Free
    • The organization that administers the ACT is an excellent resource for students preparing for the exam. The ACT offers a guide detailing test-taking strategies, section-specific tips, and insight into the test’s contents. The ACT also makes sample tests available, allowing students to get firsthand experience with an actual exam before taking the real thing.

2. Princeton Review – Free and Paid Options

    • The Princeton Review is one of the most recognized test prep companies, especially when it comes to study books. They also offer free paper & pencil ACT practice tests, proctored by Princeton Review teachers at their testing and classroom centers. You can also find free online strategy sessions, or pay to take an ACT class.

3. Kaplan – Free and Paid Options